We love to hear from our community! This week, learn about one of our supporters, Sabrina Patel, and what Accessible Festivals means to her. Below she shares a bit about herself, how a car accident changed her life, and why music festivals are her first true love. You can follow Sabrina’s “comeback journey” on Instagram @down.n0t.out (*note “o” in “out” is a zero)
Tell us a little bit about yourself:
Well, I’m 28. And for the first 25 years of my life I was living THE LIFE. Then a little over two years ago it all changed. I still live the life, just differently now. Most people don’t like change, because change represents the unknown. The unknown can be pretty scary. But sometimes change hits you head-on at 40mph, and you only have 2 choices: sink or swim. So I swam.
How have you adapted to the changes brought on by your accident?
Having a spinal cord injury makes things more complicated, but it just means you need to plan ahead a little more. I’ll be honest, I’m still not completely comfortable with “the new me” but I’m still learning. I compare it to a newborn. A newborn doesn’t come out of the womb being so sure about themselves, it takes time.
How did you hear about Accessible Festivals?
Festivals are my first true love. Ever since I turned 18, I’ve been zipping around the country to different festivals. When I was first injured, I thought that was it, Thankfully, I saw an Instagram post promoting Accessible Festivals.
What does Accessible Festivals mean to you?
Music festivals are the closest thing to a utopia that I can think of. The people you meet are so loving and supportive. When I go out to a restaurant I feel so judged, and at music festivals it’s the complete opposite. AF is doing their part to make it a comfortable experience for everyone. I use to think those days were long behind me but now I’m realizing just like anything else, with a little extra planning it’s all still possible.
Sabrina smiling up at the camera, working from her lap top while relaxing in a massage chair.